Church Officers


The Session is the governing body of the congregation and is made up of 15 Elders who serve for a three-year term and one Youth Elder who serves a one-year term. Session is responsible for the oversight and direction of the life of the church, and works though committees in areas of personnel supervision, Christian Education, Communications, Communion, Membership, Music, Outreach, etc.


Kirk in the Hills has a board of 18 Trustees, elected for a three-year term. Trustees have major responsibilities in the areas of budget and finance, endowments and investments, property maintenance and insurance, personnel and legal affairs.


The Board of Deacons is comprised of 24 adult members who serve for a three-year term, and two youth members who serve for a one-year term. Deacons undertake ministries of care and compassion within and beyond the congregation.

More about Kirk Officer Positions


Church Officers


Rev. Edwin Estevez, Moderator
Linda Juracek-Lipa, Clerk

Hannah Jakubiak, Youth Elder

Class of 2024
Suzi Artzberger
Camille Breen
Sarah Cameron
Claire Devlin
Calvin Ford
Sharon Gioia

Class of 2025
Andrew Clopton
Lee Gardner
Nancy Lau
Ryan True
Ed Yousif

Class of 2026
Jennifer Fickel
Jeff Haynes
Jill O’Hara
Carole Pearl
Jeff Reitmyer


Jayne Dodge, President
Jeff Beggs, Vice President
Steve Fogle, Secretary
Kevin Brinks, Treasurer
James Tompkins, Assistant Treasurer

Class of 2024
Ian Dittus
Henry Hoot
Debra Lawson
Walter Lorang
Keith Peters

Class of 2025
Jeffrey Beggs
Sharon Chope
Jerry Craig
Jayne Dodge
Richard Duffy
David Gates
Kelley Klein

Class of 2026
Steven Briggs
Jay Cooke
Steve Fogle
Beth Kerr
Ford Meiser
Bruce Miller


Kristi Jones, Moderator
Christian Yousif, Vice Moderator
Joann Kallio, Secretary
Sally Brown, Treasurer

Sadie Douglass, Youth Deacon
Priyanca Skilton, Youth Deacon

Class of 2024
Sally Brown
Mary Jane Doerr
Tara Douglass
Sally Eckstrom
Judy R. Harris
Katherine Herb
Kristi Jones
Joann Kallio
Gracie Lorincz
Catherine Ragan
Tam Schafsnitz

Class of 2025
Marta Buttorf Steffes
Terry Fredericks
Samantha Klein
Will Myers
Sue Owen
Judy Pardonnet
Minnie Washington

Class of 2026
Gloria Chon
Jenny Gallo
Gretchen Jakubiak
Kim McGlynn
Richard (Dick) Morris
Leslie Sikes
Christian Yousif
Dan Tomlinson

2024 Committees

Adult Christian Education

Jill O'Hara, Chair

Karen Anderson

Sarah Cameron

Bob Heuer

Henry Hoot

Catherine Klein

Tom Ludden

Cynthia Niedbalski

Anita Pinson

Ruth Reading

Ryan Webb

Ed Yousif

Rev. Edwin Estevez, Pastoral advisor

Rev. Dr. Philip J. Reed, pastoral advisor

Congregational Care

Camille Breen, Chair

Nancy Lau, Vice-Chair

Tom Bustance

Ann Hartzell-Kneen

Glenda Herb

Toni Johnson

Jim Keeling

Patrice Lockwood

Bob O'Hara

Pastoral Support: Rev. Edwin Estevez

Children & Youth Formation Ministry Committee

Julie Webb, Chair

Jack Belcher

Jim Devlin

Gretchen Jakubiak

Clare Llope

Joslyn Phillips

Katelyn Shields

Staff Support: Sarah Ford

Church Officer Nominating Committee

Linda Juracek-Lipa, Chair

Glenda Herb, member at large

Brian Sliwinski, member at large

Scott File, member at large

Christian Yousif, Deacon Representative

Beth Kerr, Kirk Women Representative

Michael Baird, Men of the Kirk Representative

Bob Beck, Men of the Kirk Representative

Kelley Klein, Trustee Representative

Suzi Artzberger, Elder Representative


Bobi Tallinger, Elder Alumni/Lay Leader

Staff Support: Jen Morris

Pastoral Support: Rev. Edwin Estevez

Coordination by Bobi Tallinger, Deacons prepare, Elders act as servers on Communion Sundays

Membership and Congregational Life

Sharon Gioia, Co-Chair

Ryan True, Co-Chair

Rockson Arnold

Wes Francis

Julie Fraser

Kim McGlynn

Christian Yousif

Staff Support: Mercy Adams

Pastoral Support: Rev. Edwin Estevez

Outreach and Mission

Amy Davis, Chair

Ann Manning, Secretary

Josh Bitterman

Buzz Brown

Tom Bustance

Sarah Ford

Rudene Glass

Joan Hanpeter

Bob Heuer

May Jia

Pam Lawson

Meg Lentz

Dan Nachtrieb

Bob O'Hara

Carole Pearl

Tanya Skilton

Pastoral Support: Rev. Edwin Estevez

Personnel/Pastoral Administration Committee

Lee Gardner, Chair

Jeff Haynes, Vice Chair

Jeff Beggs

Andrew Clopton

Jayne Dodge

Glenda Herb

Kelley Klein

Strategy/Campaign Continuation Committee

Andrew Clopton, Chair

Buzz Brown

Nathan Conway

Sarah Ford

Gary Gallo

Lee Gardner

Ann Hartzell-Kneen

Nancy Lau

Anita Pinson

Margaret Poppe

Leslie Schneider

Stewardship Committee (A.K.A The Annual Giving Committee)

Deb Lawson, Chair

Suzi Artzberger

Jayne Dodge

Jennifer Fickel

Randy Pappal

Staff Support: Jayne Zellers

Pastoral Support: Rev. Dr. Philip J. Reed


Ed Yousif, Chair

Suzi Artzberger, Vice Chair

Wendy Beck

Meta Francis

Jennifer Graff

Henry Hoot

Staff Support: Marilyn Biery