Sunday mornings, September 8, 2024 – June 8, 2025, from 9:15 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
*No Sunday school Easter Sunday (April 20, 2025) or May 25, 2025.
*Nursery care will be available those Sundays, welcoming all ages infant – age 8+
Children are invited to worship at the Kirk during the 9:00 a.m. Service on Sunday mornings. Children participate in the first part of worship in the sanctuary. Following the word with children, preschool children through grade 8 youth are dismissed for fun, fellowship and age-appropriate classes. During Sunday school, children first participate in large group worship songs and are then dismissed into their age-appropriate classrooms for more targeted lessons. Children are grouped by these groups: Preschool Class, Kindergarten/1st Grade Class, 2/3rd Grade Class, 4/5th Grade Class, 6th-8th Grade Class.
View and download Sunday school curriculum and schedules:
Kindergarten and 1st Grade
2nd through 5th Grade
Middle School
Children’s Communion and Offering Sundays
The first Sunday of each month, children participate in a special children’s communion and children’s offering during the 9:00 a.m. worship and Sunday school time in the Abbey Lounge. Children are encouraged to bring spare change or chore money for the children’s offering which will go towards supporting clean water initiatives around the world with our VBS partner, Living Waters for the World.
Nursery services are available every Sunday morning from 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., for infants and children of all ages in need of child care, whose parents and caregivers are attending services.
Please contact Sarah Ford at
to learn more about nursery care and drop off.
We believe that a child’s preschool experience is crucial in that this is where they develop their first feelings about themselves in relation to school, learning, and their peers. Children thrive in loving, nurturing environments where they feel safe and free to explore their world through hands-on activities that encourage growth in all areas of development: social/emotional, spiritual, cognitive, and physical.
• 2 ½-year-old class: 2 days a week
• 3-year-old class: 2 or 3 days a week
• 4-year-old class: 3, 4, or 5 days a week
• Jr. Kindergarten: 5 days a week
• Parent and Toddler class: Fall and Winter sessions
• Extended Days – Lunch and Learns offered to 4-year-old classes and Jr. Kindergarten
(Lunch and small group settings with enrichment learning activities)
Please contact the Kirk Preschool office at (248) 973-8017 or email Sandy Jewell at .