
Youth ministry at Kirk in the Hills is a loving, welcoming community of faith that fosters genuine relationships, provides opportunities to explore and strengthen a relationship with God, and energizes and equips them to extend the love of Christ to the world. Humans were created for connection, so we strive to provide avenues for connection in safe and unique ways. We are a group committed to responding to God’s love through worship, study, service, and play!

We connect as a group, but we also care for your individual needs. If you are struggling in any way and would like to talk with a pastor or other adult church member, contact Sarah Ford at .

The Kirk youth group uses Band to communicate, RSVP for events, and share information. If you would like an invitation to the Kirk in the Hills Youth Band group, please contact Sarah Ford.

High School Youth

There are many ways to get involved as a high school student, but our main gathering time is Sunday night youth group! Join us on Sunday nights from 7:00-8:30 p.m. to share a meal, play games, and explore questions of faith through Bible study. Throughout the year we will enjoy fun outings together including evening activities, service, retreats, mission trips, and more.

This fall join us for Wilderness, where we explore what it means to be more deeply connected to the Earth and all of creation. Come see what we’re about, and friends are always welcome!

Middle School Youth

Middle school is an incredible time of exploring faith questions and learning what it means to be a part of a faith community.
We do that in two main ways:

  • Youth Group on Sunday nights from 6:15-7:45 p.m.
  • Sunday school at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings! 

At Youth Group you can expect to enjoy fun outings together including evening activities, service, retreats, mission trips, and more. 

This fall join us for Rooted, where we explore the question, “who has God created me to be?” Come see what we’re about, and friends are always welcome.

Register for Youth Group


Confirmation 2023-2025

What is Confirmation?
Confirmation is a big step in a young person’s faith and commitment to the church. Through a series of classes, retreats, and mentoring your child will learn basic foundations of the Presbyterian church’s beliefs and theology, but it is also much more than that. Confirmation allows young people to experience faith community, dig into hard questions, practice service, and build foundations for an authentic, real relationship with God. It is often a time when a person’s faith builds on the foundations learned throughout childhood and takes on a whole new personal meaning. During this program students and their mentors grow as a community within itself and will continue encouraging and challenging one another long after confirmation ends.  Confirmation stimulates what hopefully becomes a lifetime journey of faith.

What can I expect for my student?

Confirmation is an 18-month program, beginning in October of each year. Year A students will learn the basic structure and theology of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Year B students will engage their faith with a class project that builds upon their faith and strengthens their church and local community. Both years will continually wrestle with what faith looks like in our lives!

Confirmation will include:

Year A

  • 2 retreats: Fall and Winter
  • Worship and class from 9 am-11:30 am on the first and third Sunday of each month.
  • Regular meetings with mentor that foster engagement with a local mission partner of your choosing. 
  • Summer mission trip
  • Attendance at a minimum of one youth group meeting per month

 Year B

  • 2 retreats: Fall and Winter
  • Worship and class from 9 am-11:30 am on the second and fourth Sunday of each month. These class times will focus on our class project including but not limited to: writing a mission statement, strategy planning, community engagement, and volunteer recruitment.
  • Co-teaching one Year A class
  • Regular meetings with mentor that foster engagement with a local mission partner of your choosing. 
  • Summer mission trip
  • Attendance at a minimum of one youth group meeting per month

Community building is a huge part of confirmation, so regular attendance is expected. We understand that life happens, though! If you need to miss a week, you will be asked to schedule a make-up session the following week. Students can miss a maximum of 20% of activities throughout the year.

How will I be involved as a parent?

One of the most important parts of faith formation is the conversations that happen at home. Sometimes it can be difficult to know how to start those conversations, though, or even what to say when the moment arises. Parents of Year A confirmands will be strongly encouraged to attend a “Parents of Confirmation” class that meets at the same time as Confirmation. These meetings will be informative and relational, focused on how to walk alongside your confirmand as they take this journey of faith. Parents are also welcome to be an adult mentor to a child in the class other than your own.

During year B, parents will be encouraged to choose a time for a regular small group. This will vary year to year.

What happens after confirmation?

God continues to move even when Confirmation ends. Our hope is that if your child makes the decision to join the church, they will be excited to be a part of it and will have adults and peers to support them as they do. Students will continue to have the opportunity to grow spiritually through Bible studies and worship, serve their community, and develop meaningful relationships within Christian community. Pastors and mentors will continue to provide guidance and support!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Sarah Ford at   

Youth Choirs

Click below to learn more about the youth choirs!


Our youth (grades 8–12) serve as acolytes during Sunday worship services, and during some special services.
If you would like more information about the Acolyte Program, please contact Sarah Ford at