You Have a Prayer Community

Your prayer is important to us, and you will have staff, pastors, and the community praying for you.

If you would like to add a prayer to our Prayer Cordon list for this prayer group to pray for, please email Wendy Beck at .

Share Your Prayer

We Care

We offer support groups including Sojourners, for widows and widowers of all ages; Stephen Ministers, members of our congregation who have received caregiver training; Caring Friends, offering friendly visits and taking communion and flowers to our elderly homebound members; Prayer Cordon, group of volunteers who meet weekly to pray for those in need and/or for those who have made specific prayer requests; Deacons, offering ministries of care and compassion within and beyond the congregation.

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Small Groups & Bible Studies

Find community online through a Small Group or Bible Study!
If you're unsure about finding the right group, reach out to Rev. Edwin Estevez and he'll be happy to get you connected!

View Small Groups