Music Ministry

The music program plays an integral role in worship at Kirk in the Hills. Sacred music, combined with the Proclamation of the Word and the Celebration of the Sacraments, brings us to a deeper understanding of our faith. Here at the Kirk, we sing glad praises to the God in whom we live and breathe and have our being.

The choirs form the backbone of our music ministry, and there are many ways to become involved. The choir season runs from September through May for all choirs except for the Chancel Choir, whose season concludes in June. For those who love to sing, consider joining one of our choirs--if choir participation is not for you, then we welcome your enthusiastic participation in the pews. For those who play an instrument, we hope you will consider offering your gifts of music in worship.

For information about participation in any of the music department's offerings, please contact Marilyn Biery, Director of Music Ministry at (248) 973-8004 or

Sing for joy to God our strength!

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir is comprised of professional and auditioned volunteer singers and sings during Sunday worship services in the sanctuary throughout the entire calendar year as well as for special seasonal services and concerts. 

For additional information, please contact Marilyn Biery at  or 248-973-8004.

Children & Youth Choirs

Registration has begun for the 2024-2025 Children & Youth Choirs.
To learn more, please click the button below to learn more!


Music Events


High in the Kirk tower is the 77-bell carillon, the world's largest in number of bells (tied with our sister tower, Hyechon College in Korea). The carillon was cast by the 300 year-old royal bellfoundry of Petit and Fritsen, The Netherlands. The instrument was the gift of the Fruehauf family, designed by Dr. Frederick L. Marriott, longtime Kirk organist and carillonneur, and installed in 1960.

The largest bell, the Bourdon, is 6' 10" in diameter and weighs over six tons, and the smallest is only 6" in diameter and weighs fourteen pounds. While thirty-six of the bells may be played electrically (and therefore without dynamic nuance) from the sanctuary organ console, the full 77 bell compass is playable only (with dynamic nuance) from a mechanical keyboard called a clavier, located in a cabin in the belfry. Five of the large bells (G, B, D, E and G) form a peal which swing freely; these five also sound in combination each quarter hour as directed by the instrument's computerized clock mechanism.

Midway up the tower is the Marriott Library, which serves as both a repository of Dr. Marriott's music library and his many compositions (including his works for carillon) as well as the home to a practice clavier of the same design as the carillon's clavier.

The instrument is normally played each Sunday before worship, for recitals on Sundays after worship (during the Summer Carillon Series featuring carillonneurs from around the world), before other concerts during the year, and frequently for weddings. 

Hymn Preludes for the Kirk

Frederick L. Marriott: A Centennial Anthology

View videos of carillonneur Carson Landry performing at Kirk in the Hills on May 4, 2023:

Hypnos by Phyllis Chen
Allegro by Julie Zhu
Here Comes the Sun
What a Wonderful World


Marilyn Biery

Director of Music Ministry

Merideth Hite Estevez

Associate in Music

David Enos

Associate Organist

James Biery


Eric Whitmer


Bobby DeLisle

Children & Youth Choir Director

Carol Beth Litkouhi

Young Children's Choir Director

Rosie Biery

Music Department Mascot