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1-4-21 Update Letter #45 from Pastor Kelsey Sorge

by Rev. Kelsey Sorge on January 04, 2021

January 4, 2021
Dear Kirk family,
I don’t know about you, but for me the celebration of the New Year felt different than it has in the past. I am usually inspired, like many, to start forming new habits or finally begin planning for that special vacation. It is a fresh start with so many hopeful possibilities. This year, however, I found myself holding my breath. I worried that the stroke of midnight on December 31st will only mean another year of chaos and uncertainty. The date may have changed to 2021, but January first felt the same as the day before it and I am still not sure what this year has in store.
After listening to Pastor Marjorie’s sermon yesterday morning, though, I was reminded of one amazing and beautiful truth. The birth of Jesus Christ was not the end of the journey. “It turns out, it was only the beginning.”
God is not finished with us. God works in our lives and in this world in miraculous, unpredictable ways, which means change is always inevitable. As we enter into this new year may we be like the magi, who saw the face of God and knew in their hearts that their lives were changed for the better because the True King has been born. 
The youth of the Kirk are incredible at embracing change and pointing to God’s presence in the world. As a result, they are leading the church along exciting and hopeful roads.
Last October, six youth and three adults spent a weekend listening to God’s call to love and serve local youth well. A blueprint of The Oasis was formed, which seeks to provide a space and resources for mindfulness practices to lessen the onset of mental health disorders in teenagers. At each stage in development God teaches us something new. “Phase One” will open at the end of January, and we are eagerly anticipating where God will continue to lead us.
On Sunday, January 3rd two new Youth Elders and two Youth Deacons were installed alongside many faithful adults to the service of God and God’s church. I was filled with hope as I heard the promises, “I do” and “I will” with regards to service and faith because it was a tangible reminder that God continues to move in all of us whether we are 16 or 60. 
The final road that the youth are leading us on is a road of joy. As we raced down the sledding hill yesterday I heard shouts of laughter even when the path was unclear and the sleds spun in ways many weren’t expecting. God does not simply promise that he will accompany us on the path of life, but we are invited to experience the joy that can come with each twist and turn.
We may still hold our breath as we take a few more steps into the new year, but it is God’s breath in us that guides the journey. God’s love that creates change. 
The final road that the youth are leading us on is a road of joy. As we raced down the sledding hill yesterday I heard shouts of laughter even when the path was unclear and the sleds spun in ways many weren’t expecting. God does not simply promise that he will accompany us on the path of life, but we are invited to experience the joy that can come with each twist and turn.
We may still hold our breath as we take a few more steps into the new year, but it is God’s breath in us that guides the journey. God’s love that creates change. 
Pastor Kelsey

Tags: email, weekly update, letter, pastor nate


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