Baptism, Weddings, Funerals


The Sacrament of Baptism: Thank you for your interest in baptism at the Kirk. We welcome your inquiry, and hope that when you meet with a pastor to discuss the service, you will understand the significance of the sacrament of baptism, and feel free to discuss any matters in connection with the service.

The Presbyterian Church baptizes both children and adults as appropriate, although anyone who has been baptized in infancy or childhood may not be offered a subsequent adult baptism. Except in very special circumstances, baptisms are held as part of one of the services of worship at the church as required by the Presbyterian Church (USA)'s Book of Order (W-2.3011a).

There is no 'correct' age for baptism—much depends on the circumstances in each case. The baptism of a child or infant is intended to signify God's love of the child, and express the parents' undertaking that the child will have a Christian upbringing which will normally lead to membership of the church when the child reaches the age at which this is appropriate to his/her Christian development. The baptism of an adult is normally associated with commitment to the Christian faith and is usually part of the process of becoming a member of the church, and of taking one's place in the life of the church. Many adults will find the opportunity for baptism arising—if they were not baptized earlier—during church membership meetings as the person prepares to take the vows of church membership. It may also take place at other times as appropriate, but baptism should never be thought of as outside the context of membership of Christ's church.

Are you interested in having your child or grandchildren baptized? Remaining baptism dates for 2025 are:

January 19
February 23
March 23
May 11
June 15
August 17
October 19
November 16
December 16

For more information about baptism at the Kirk, please contact Jen Morris at .

Kirk in the Hills is replacing its sanctuary organ and beginning in September 2026 through December 2027, no activities will be scheduled for the sanctuary. This includes worship services, weddings, funerals, and memorials.  There are two other spaces that will be available: Cedarholm Chapel for groups smaller than 80 and the Kirk refectory, which can hold up to 180.


At Kirk in the Hills, weddings are joyful occasions for the worship of God and the celebration of love for the couple to be married. We understand that our building and campus make a beautiful setting for weddings; however, we are first and foremost a community of faith designed to support parishioners on their spiritual journey through Worship, Formation and Mission. Therefore, we reserve the use of the church and grounds for those who meet the following criteria:

  • The bride or groom must be an active, worshipping member of Kirk in the Hills for at least one year prior to the wedding date.

– OR –

  • The bride or groom must be a baptized Christian and the child or grandchild of a current contributing and active member of Kirk in the Hills. No other relationships will be considered.

We take marriage very seriously at Kirk in the Hills. “Marriage is a gift God has given to all humankind for the well-being of the entire human family” (Book of Order, W-4.0601).

A wedding service is a worship service, and, therefore, we approach each wedding with the same level of thoughtfulness and sanctity as a worship service on Sunday morning. We do not acknowledge the latest fads or fashions, preferring to honor God and God’s people with a traditional service that is classic and timeless.

If you meet the above criteria and wish to marry at Kirk in the Hills, please proceed to the Wedding Inquiry Form (link below) and complete the application. Once your application is received, reviewed for accuracy and approved, a Kirk staff member will contact you to set up an initial appointment with one of our pastors.

Photography Note: We receive many requests from couples being married elsewhere to take wedding photos on our grounds. We understand why you might wish to do so; however, the privilege of wedding photography is reserved for those couples being married at Kirk in the Hills.

Wedding Inquiry Form


When death occurs, the Kirk can offer pastoral support as well as scheduling a funeral or memorial service and provide a time to receive friends at the Kirk with a Memorial Tea sponsored by our Board of Deacons. For more details, please contact Jen Morris at .

Kirk Columbarium
The columbarium is a place of quiet and beauty, where the cremated remains of Kirk members and their immediate families may be interred. It is a hallowed site, sacred to the memory of those who have joined the Church triumphant. Located in a garden adjacent to the sanctuary, the columbarium's design is in keeping with the architecture of the Kirk and maintained in the setting of peace and serenity.

Please be aware that winter weather conditions cause the columbarium walkways to be slippery. This area may not be cleared of snow and ice. Use caution when visiting this area and proceed at your own risk.

If you’re a Kirk member and would like more information about purchasing a niche, please call the Kirk Office and speak with Erica Ginter at (248) 973-8007 or .