2025 Lenten Dinner Church Series: The Reformation

April 2, 2025 5:30pm

Room: St. Andrew's Room

Cost: : $10.00, Lenten Dinner Church Series: $10.00


Spring 2025 Dinner Church Series – Exploring the Reformation

The Adult Christian Education (ACE) committee has organized our 2025 Lenten Dinner Church Series.  Please join us on Wednesday evenings for a light dinner, followed by a deep dive into the historical and cultural events and significance surrounding the Presbyterian Church’s Reformation.

Our leaders for this series will be Dr. Charles (Chip) Hardwick, Executive of the Synod of the Covenant, and Dr. Meredith Hite-Estevez, Associate in Music at the Kirk.

Dinner will be served at 5:30 with lectures beginning at 6:15pm. Suggestion donation of $10 for the dinner.  Thank you for registering in advance to help with our catering planning.

Dates and Topics

  • 3/12: An Overview of the Reformation, Chip Hardwick. The Protestant Reformation started with Martin Luther in 1517, but in many ways it has continued into the 21st century.  Come learn about its many branches and how Presbyterians fit into the picture.
  • 3/19: Mendelssohn and Bach, Meredith Estevez. Exploring their sacred music with particular attention to the locations that the 2025 Pilgrimage group will be visiting, and relevance to the Reformation era.
  • 3/26 Martin Luther and Ulrich Zwingli, Chip Hardwick. Martin Luther and Ulrich Zwingli are among the first and most important reformers in Germany and Switzerland, and shaped the foundation from which the Reformed Tradition emerged.
  • 4/2: John Calvin and the Confessions He Inspired, Chip Hardwick. Without John Calvin, there would be no Presbyterianism and no Reformed theological tradition, and no confessions like the Scots’ Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Westminster Confessions.
  • 4/9: The German Church in WWII and The Theological Declaration of Barmen, Chip Hardwick. As the 20th century German Christian church capitulated to Naziism, the Confessing Church, following the theological lead of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Karl Barth, stood strong against its nefarious claims.  

To join by Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/93776455382?pwd=JTAErwhFntaXjotnt1t0XG31uG9NM1.1

Meeting ID: 937 7645 5382

Passcode: 178131

NOTE: Please consider bringing a food item with you to each of the sessions - we are collaborating with the Outreach and Mission Committee on the Feed My Lambs initiative which is donating packaged food items to the First Presbyterian Church of Pontiac's Food Pantry.  The Food Pantry serves over 350 families in Pontiac that are struggling with food insecurity. It serves a vital role in helping these families to provide daily nourishment for their young children attending school, for parents who are working to be able to meet the needs of their family, and for senior citizens struggling to make ends meet.  Kirk in the Hills has been a long time partner of First Presbyterian Church in providing this needed support in their community.  Most urgent food items needed:  1 lb boxes of pasta, 15 oz cans of fruit, 15 oz cans of vegetables, 15 oz cans pork and beans, 15 oz cans of pasta with meat, ramen noodle packages, 4 lb bags of sugar, 5lb bags of flour, 48 oz vegetable or canola oil.  Your donation will be greatly appreciated!

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