2024 Pilgrimage article on Voyages of Paul
05.06.24 | Articles | by Rev. Dr. Chip Hardwick
Walking in the Footsteps of Paul “Bless the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! He has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing that comes from heaven.” (Ephesians 1:3) This verse captures how the...
Kirk in the Hills Historical Walkthrough Video
12.08.22 | Articles
Kirk in the Hills Historical Walkthrough Video
Melrose Abbey 2009 Scotland Movie
11.22.22 | Articles
October 31| Kyes Lecture Series | Belonging in the World: Those in the Margins
10.31.21 | Kyes Lecture series | by Rev. Dr. Todd V. Cioffi
How do we belong to one another, especially those who are incarcerated? We’ll explore how our incarcerated brothers and sisters find community in prison as well as when they are released into society.

October 24 | Kyes Lecture Series | Belonging in the New Testament: Jesus and the Early Church
10.24.21 | Kyes Lecture series | by Dr. Matthew Collins
The Apostle Paul wrote letters to churches that were struggling with what it meant to be a part of, or belong to, the new people of God. Paul is certain there is a connection to God’s covenant with the Jewish people, but he struggles...

October 17 | Kyes Lecture Series | Belonging in the New Testament: Jesus and the Early Church
10.17.21 | Articles | by Dr. Matthew Collins
Sunday, October 24 The Apostle Paul wrote letters to churches that were struggling with what it meant to be a part of, or belong to, the new people of God. Paul is certain there is a connection to God’s covenant with the Jewish...

October 10 | Kyes Lecture Series | Belonging in the Old Testament: Culture and Creation Part 2
10.10.21 | Kyes Lecture series | by Dr. Theodore Hiebert
Belonging in the Old Testament: Culture and Creation “We Belong to Different Cultures”: Belonging to a distinct culture is also a core piece of our religious identity. We will reread the story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis...

October 3 | Kyes Lecture Series |Belonging in the Old Testament: Culture and Creation - Part 1
10.03.21 | Kyes Lecture series | by Dr. Theodore Hiebert
Belonging in the Old Testament: Culture and Creation “We Belong to the Earth”: Belonging to the earth is a core piece of our religious identity. We will reread the story of creation in Genesis 2-3 to discover how human...

September 26 | Kyes Lecture Series | Belonging in the Old Testament: Families and God - Part 2
09.26.21 | Kyes Lecture series | by Rev. Dr. Andy Derman
Belonging in the Old Testament: Families and God The Bible assumes that above all else we belong to God, and based on that conviction, it concentrates on primary relationships such as family and community. In this class, we will look at...

September 19 | Kyes Lecture Series | Belonging in the Old Testament: Families and God - Part 1
09.19.21 | Kyes Lecture series | by Rev. Dr. Andy Derman
Belonging in the Old Testament: Families and God The Bible assumes that above all else we belong to God, and based on that conviction, it concentrates on primary relationships such as family and community. In this class, we will look at...